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How to revise? Top Tips for Effective Revision

At EmpowerEd we are often asked the best way to prepare and revise for a range of exams (11+, GCSEs, A-levels, functional skills). Revision can seem daunting when preparing for an exam - where to start!? We have put together a few top tips to help you effectively revise.

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  • Give yourself enough time. It is much better to start revising months before the exam and not weeks or days. Doing regular revision sessions over a longer duration is a lot less stressful than trying to cram it in to intensive days right before the exam. Adopting this approach will also help you retain as much information as possible. It also means you can dedicate more time to any areas you are struggling with. 11 plus creative writing

  • Make a brief revision timetable or plan. Sometimes it can seem a waste of time creating a plan, especially when you want to jump straight into revising the content. However, creating a plan can ensure you cover all of the necessary areas without missing anything out. It will also allow you to add in regular breaks to reduce the intensity of the revision sessions. Without a plan it can be very easy to become overwhelmed with the mountain of topics you need to get through. Feel free to drop us an email at for an adaptable revision timetable template! Maths and english tuition near me. Maths and english tuition centre.

  • 3. Revise in different ways. We are always surprised at how many students we support, think that revision has to be copying notes out of a textbook! Adopting lots of creative ways to revise can help you remember more, but is also a great way of making sure revision doesn't become boring. A few ideas might be to create revision cards, teach somebody else the topic, record yourself talking through the topic, create a visual presentation and/or mind map or tackle some exam papers! Different ways of revising engage different styles of learning, engaging lots of styles of learning will help you retain more knowledge for the exam. Sutton high verbal and non verbal tests.

  • Use other quick easy methods. Revision doesn't always need to be sitting down at a desk. Try sticking post it notes around the house with key facts you need to remember (on kitchen doors, mirrors), or anywhere you spend time. You can also record yourself reading out revision notes and listen to it through headphones when you're walking or in a car / on transport going somewhere. Utilising little bits of time like this effectively can really put you ahead! Sutton tuition.

  • Don't forget to do MOCKs. Make sure you spend time completing past exam papers and questions. You can spend hours revising the knowledge, but if you do not know how to apply it in the exam, or you are missing out on fundamental exam technique, you will not obtain the grade you deserve. Sitting a mock exam in strict exam conditions will prepare you for the exam day! Maths and english tuition for children. If you are struggling, don't be afraid to reach out to your parent, carers, teachers or peers for extra help and support! Test teach Sutton. At EmpowerEd we have supported thousands of students preparing for exams, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions or advice! Best of luck in your exams! Tuition for 11 exams.


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